We have a very hopeful New Moon on Friday, July 5th in Cancer at 6:55 pm, edt. This Cancer new moon is very spiritual and private. Importantly, the Moon is fulfilled in the sign of Cancer. This is the Moon's home sign and Cancer's comfort zone. The watery sign of Cancer and the mysterious Moon offer deep spirituality and opportunities to cross realms and experience different dimensions. My advice is to dive deep into prayer and meditation, contemplation and supplication.
Cancer also loves and prioritizes home, hearth, children, family, comfort (unless one's chart is afflicted, feel free to email me on this). This moon's aspects showcase these prominently. Healing and camaraderie with a sense of tribe and community are possible.
The Sun in Cancer also prompts, well how do I say it? SUNSHINE!! And what do we humans receive from sunshine? Happiness, hope, and positive energy!
The Sun and Moon make a lovely aspect to Saturn. Self-discipline, humble progress, and steady patience should pay off at this time! Additionally, a sweet aspect of Venus and Mercury is making a very auspicious connection to Neptune. This promises glamour, merriment, magnetism in relationships, as well as personal fulfillment. Treat your sweetie! Pamper yourself!! Venus opposite Pluto activates magnetic and attraction to all things mysterious and desirable. Love, beauty, prosperity, all offer tempting delights.
Here you go for your theme song....
A Little Bit of Sunshine!
With the guidelines of Saturn, the spiritually creative expanse of Neptune, the intensity of Pluto, your soul can be revived, healed, and nurtured. Ultimately, lest we forget, the loveliness of this moon leads you to comforts of hearth and home, a yearning for a place of belonging. This is a complicated New Moon, operating on many levels (like the song above). It's what a moon in Cancer is all about. Churning, ebbing, and flowing thoughts and feelings will abound.
I suggest starting this weekend productively! Create a space for your new moon magic (see my website for info). Journal, meditate, pray! Take inspired action. This moon will have a soft spot for the underprivileged, underdogs, neglected, abandoned, lonely people and creatures. Reach out! Pray for peace, brotherhood. Pray for the earth, the animals, the environment. With the Sun and Moon in good harmony, I believe our light will help us move toward goodness.
Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.
For moon tips and mini-lessons, go to www.mysticastrology.net and click on Freebies in the menus bar! If you have any questions, you can email me at readings@mysticalmagic.net.
As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, www.lindajwagnerauthor.net to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, www.mysticastrology.net to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.