Fulfilling Full Moon in Taurus!
We have a Fulfilling Full Moon on November 15 , in Taurus, at 4:28 p.m. , eastern time.
This is a special moon for multiple reasons.
It is the final of four supermoons in a row. Pluto is leaving Capricorn on this day for almost forever! Well, that is, until the year 2255. It began this journey in 2008, and it has been a tumultuously wild ride. Much good came of this transit, and much needed to transform. You do the math, so to speak! Sometimes transformation is not easy. We humans were meant to fulfill our journeys toward our destinies. By golly, we have been doing just that. Pluto is one of those planets, yes Pluto is a planet, that visits the depths and dark places of our souls to expose the light. Hence, we have this very special and fulfilling full moon.
Lucky Taurus gets to be the star of this show (Taurus loves fulfillment). Of course Scorpio (Pluto's favorite sign) must not be outdone nor left out of this endgame. Alas, it is time for all to move on! All those moons of prepping and manifesting our dreams and desires for our souls and earthly sojourns have come to a fruition waiting to be plucked. So.....let's make this full moon count.
The full moon is always opposite the Sun. It's a time of balancing out, balancing between ourselves and others, ourselves and ourselves. Yes, that's right. Balance ourselves. However this time and importantly, it is possible to reach the fullness of a glorious denouement. Our previous new moon hopes, dreams, desires, stand before us. The Scorpio sun prompted us to go deep, be strong and pursue our desires. Taurus finds satisfaction in the completion of desires. This is the time to relish in the brightness, yet mystery, of the magic of the Moon. Taurus is very practical and earthy and this mixture presents the best of both worlds. With positive aspects activating between the Moon, Pluto, the Sun, and Neptune, there is so much wonder and magic. Enjoy the beauty of this bright moon!
Again, here's the thing y'all. Pluto leaves Capricorn (I know I keep repeating myself). Saturn goes direct. Pluto begins a journey in Aquarius for 20 years (give or take the retrogrades). But ohhhhh, I see such lovely things with Neptune! And Pluto, too! I know you may be worried about things (I am also), but let's take some time to ponder the big picture here. Of YOUR LIFE! For this full moon, let's do double duty and treat it like a new moon! Also, according to NASA, we have an extra surprise of a "Pleiades star cluster" visible in the evening near the moon. So.....let's make this time count! Proclaim what you wish to be rid of. Purge, let it go. Anything. Everything. Then. acknowledge what you wish to bring forth. You know what to do!
I'm feeling optimistic....
care to join me?
For new and full moon tips and mini-lessons, go to www.mysticastrology.net and click on Freebies in the menus bar! If you have any questions, you can email me at readings@mysticalmagic.net.
As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, www.lindajwagnerauthor.net to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, www.mysticastrology.net to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.
Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.