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Greetings Fellow Moongazers! Welcome to the first Eclipse Season of 2024. We have a Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Libra on Monday, March 25th. The Moon reaches its fullness at 2:58 a.m. eastern time.The eclipse will begin approximately 1:30 p.m. eastern time and end approximately 4:30 p.m. Prepare yourself for a jam packed day and weeks to come.

A lunar eclipse happens when the Sun, Earth, and Moon line up and the Moon passes in Earth's shadow. A penumbral eclipse, which is what this is, a partial shadow covers the moon. You may be feeling the intensity and passion already as the moon waxes and prepares for its transformation. Lunar eclipses are known for foreshadowing intense change that ultimately leads to alignment. Full moons are known for passionate transformations. Put these two together in the sign of Libra and you get dramatic opportunity to go deep into personal realms of metamorphosis. Libra craves balance, harmony, and peace. Eclipses and full moons challenge gentle Libra, yet prompt the soul to achieve ultimate personal and relational affinity. This eclipse and moon will seek "sympatico" in their relationships, whether it be with partners, friends, children, social and/or community groups. This moon insists on seeking new or renewing relationships of tranquility and peaceful harmony. The ebb and flow of respect, esteem between people is no longer a hope or a compromise, it's a necessity.

The Moon makes a trine to Pluto (that's a good thing!). It may feel a bit disconcerting but it is transforming and ultimately benevolent. We have a collaboration of four planets remaining in Pisces, that dreamer, who are influencing this lunar event. With the Sun in Aries, impatient and high energy, dealing with Saturn in Pisces (grounding our dreams) we have all types of crisscrossing happening. Lest we forget Pluto is now in Aquarius , the visionary who craves brotherhood and harmony.

Here is your inspirational song for the eclipse!


by John Lennon

(the ultimate Libra)

You can do this! Maybe find a Libra and help him/her out. They may be able to help you. Also, let us remember to visit or help the lonely, downtrodden, sick, hurting, abandoned or forgotten people, children, animals in our lives. These moons can affect so many souls in ways we can't imagine. This will be a very spiritual moon, of course. You may be able to see some angels, earth angels, faeries, spirit animals. I hope you do. You may dream dreams of your deceased relatives speaking to you messages of hope and love. I hope you do.

Let us look forward to the Solar Eclipse on April 8th in Aries. See the next blog post for this exciting event!

I invite you to visit my website to receive the FREE lesson "Embrace the Magic of New Moons". Go to  (this website), click on More, and then Freebies. There you will receive insight into accessing the magic of new moons. Be sure to journal your journey and create a sacred space for your dreams! Enjoy this magical new moon. As always, be careful out there! I pray the angels protect you all.

Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.

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Greetings fellow Moongazers! We have a pretty Pisces New Moon on March 10th, 5:00 am, eastern time. This is a watery, spiritual, creative moon! It will usher in the Vernal Spring Equinox on March 19th, and Spring Eclipse season also. Love, creativity, imagination, magic...all these will blossom like the buds on the trees and the flowers in bloom. So how's that for creative and spiritual? This is also a moon to reach out to the needy, abandoned, forgotten, sick, challenged, and lonely souls. Be there for someone! It is a time to share our blessings with others.

Also, it is a time to spread joy, happiness, and light. I have been prompting all to dream, plan, set goals, for a while now, and here is the perfect energy to assist you.

Let's hear our inspiring song. You will Love it! An oldie but a goodie.

This new moon is a fantastic time to pray, meditate, and journal your dreams into reality. Call upon the spirit and angels to assist you in your plans. We all need a bit of divine intervention and this Pisces moon is the perfect calling. It is also time for the the mystery of divine beings to reveal themselves and dwell amongst us humans in faith, love, and peace.

The Sun, Moon, Neptune, and even Saturn are in dear Pisces! How magical can things get? There is the making of a mystical envelope between the heavens, metaphysical plane, our earthly souls, and our own journey along our evolution. Fortune smiles upon us as Pluto supports us. Yes you heard that right. Pluto supports us! That day has arrived.

I invite you to visit my website to receive the FREE lesson "Embrace the Magic of New Moons". Go to (this website), click on More, and then Freebies. There you will receive insight into accessing the magic of new moons. Be sure to journal your journey and create a sacred space for your dreams! Enjoy this magical new moon. As always, be careful out there! I pray the angels protect you all.

Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.

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Greetings fellow Moongazers. We have a wonderfully protective Full Moon in Virgo on February 24th at 7:29 AM, eastern time.

As is always the case, the Moon will oppose the Sun during a full moon. However, this time, because we have a Virgo moon and a Pisces sun, there will be added emphasis on this opposition. Normally, oppositions can be tense or stressful in some way, shape, or form. However I see this as a lifeline to dear Virgo, who really in the end wants to protect and help us. Virgo also wants to encourage SENSIBLE inspired action! The little planets are crowded together in Pisces, therefore, Virgo MUST stand vigile. I see this opposition as a protection. Especially with all that Pisces energy and that newly acquired Aquarian energy seeping through, we all need Mistress Virgo.

The Aquarian vision is now mixed with Piscean ideality. Virgo is insisting on showing us how to keep our heads from getting lost in the fog and bring those soaring visions down to Earth. That's a good thing! While oppositions can always be challenging, this time around I see it as a cautionary tale. Hold on to your Piscean dreams and Aquarian visions, but grab a Virgo to help you get through the energetic pull.

Remember, Virgo is a very earth sign. With our spiritual Moon in a very pragmatic and earthy Virgo, our wonderful Moon can only bring good things, ultimately. So let us start planning what we started many moons ago and go for it! We are coming out of the dark days of a Plutonian hangover and are entering an era of light and love!

Here is your song for inspiration! You are going to love it! Baby Hold On!

Enjoy this beautiful moon and don't forget to pray, meditate, give thanks for all your blessings. Do as our Virgo would do and help the needy, downtrodden, elderly, children, and animals. Remember the forgotten. Virgo is the most gracious healer, hostess, and giver.

As always with a full moon, be careful out there. The Moon is our protector and guide, a gift from the Heavens to humans. Be humble and use it as such. Subscribe to my blog and receive mini moon lessons to help you understand the metaphysical power of our beautiful moon.

Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.

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