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Oh that sweet, sweet, pretty Pisces moon...

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. We could all use some poetry, beauty, fantasy, and escape right now. Yes? Pisces IS the poet, artist, spiritualist of the zodiac. Oh how lovely that little Pisces gets the honor of the extra full moon, the Blue Moon! It reaches its fullness on Wednesday, August 30th, at 9:37 pm, edt.

No matter what we are experiencing from the cosmos, Pisces is Pisces, and here is your chance to escape. Our moon is a spiritual, mystical, mysterious, beauty. It ebbs and flows, loves the fluid liquidy magic that it bestows upon us mere mortals. While we are experiencing much earthly influence from the pragmatic Virgo Sun, and stern, controlling discipline from stoic Saturn, we have a chance here to take a break and dream on.... Why not welcome the security of these steadfast influencers into our dreams, hopes, wishes? For one brief shining moment we can experience a camelot. After all, that Pisces moon glows in the area that helps to enhance these hopes, dreams, wishes. With Saturnian energy very nearby that moon, we have an anchor and a safeguard, lest we get lost in the mist of foggy delusion. We have experienced many challenges and hardships, yet we need to seek the light to shine through the darkness. With Pisces, a full moon, faith, and rock solid ground to stand on, take a break and dream on....

Here is your song that says it all

Dream On

Thank you and credit to Jeday

Love and Dreams,


Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

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Welcome to the Magical

New Moon in Leo...

This new moon has been well worth the wait. The star of every show, the theatrical and applause worthy, as well as bountiful and beloved, this Leo New Moon will become brand new at exactly 5:37 a.m., edt, August 16th. The Leo Sun and Leo Moon join together in glorious hope and inspiration for a visionary journey for YOU! Yes, YOU. It is OK to put yourself first this time. The previous full moon is ending it's journey of releasing any distractions, or obstacles, to usher in those new hopes, dreams, and wishes!

I just know you will be inspired when you click on this song for this new moon!

This event is extra blessed with a grand trine and a kite formation between Uranus, Pluto, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune. SHAZAAM!! Wow! My head is spinning just thinking of this. They all connect mystically to form a kite in the sky. With the stunning sparks of electrical jolts from Uranus, the transformational power of Pluto, combined forces of Mercury and Mars creating energetic strength to this moon, this absolutely cannot be denied, nor wasted. Add to this the top point of the kite soaring ever heavenward in magical, enchanting Neptune (in Pisces no less), you have yourself a recipe for unlimited dreams come true.

Leo is ruled and loved by the Sun, its warmth, nourishment, motivation. The Leo Sun will nurture that dark moon and its eternal reservoir of spirituality and magic, until the time it peaks out into the night sky and takes center stage with the Sun. I encourage you to SHINE with the SUN and GLOW with the moon. This new moon is doubly blessed with magic to begin ANEW. It's time to step out into the LIGHT! Yes, pair up and join forces with people who seek the light, love, peace, of renewed hope and vision. Yet, let YOURSELF be center stage. The time has passed to be hindered by those who don't see or understand your AWESOME self.

Follow your hearts' desires and your souls' yearnings. At the stroke of the new moon, say your prayer for bountiful blessings to begin anew. Give thanks for all you have that is light, love, blessed. Pray for those in need of hope and inspiration. The world needs your light and so do you. Again, it's OK to shine your own light on yourself. You deserve it!

Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

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Welcome one and all to the amazing and astounding Aquarius Full Moon!

This moon becomes 100% full on August 1st, Tuesday, at 2:31 pm EDT., give or take a few seconds. This will be a bright and gorgeous supermoon, being ever so close to us mortals on planet earth. Because it reaches fullness in the bright afternoon, I advise to take advantage of this beauty the evening before. I will tell you why. Up until then, the previous New Moon in Cancer on July 17 will be leading up to this spectacular event. You were led to consider and plan your next course on a new adventure, and guess what? Here is your big chance to go "rogue" (Aquarius loves that term)! So use that energy to prep you for the big bang! This is THE time to REINVENT yourself! Do it! Release all those doubts, fears, distractions, excuses. As that moon wanes and releases (post fullness), it will leave us all with a glorious opportunity to begin "de novo"!

It's important to mention the eve before that stellar event you may feel a little angst from that lunar Capricorn crisis degree. Yet, just after the stroke of midnight, it turns into that Aquarian appetizer of sweet and sassy things to come as the moon makes friends with sweet, creative Neptune and zany, electrical Uranus. Try not to be affected by the lunar tension, as there always is with a full moon. After all, why let the vampire in? We have all had it rough for a loooong time. Do your best to focus on a new journey for YOURSELF!! I'll tell you why.

Amidst the Uranian chaos and cacophony (that's how Uranus rolls), there is equal excitement, exhilaration, adventure, and promise of new and golden opportunities. Enter Leo. Lest we forget, the Sun in Leo is opposing that moon (as the Sun always does in a full moon). It's calling out for all to hear, "Hey, look at me! What about me? Let's go have an adventure!" (I should know, I'm a Leo rising). Leo is the showman. Leo is love, light, sunshine, and yes, a bit "over-the-top"! The stage is set perfectfully. Aquarius is expansive, visionary, rebellious, but also extremely self-disciplined when set on a course. This Aquarius moon ushers in visionary dreams and goals, not only for humanity (this is how Aquarius likes to think), but for the self (enter Leo).

I must focus on this aspect of this full moon. To me, it stands out prominently! Use this time to "go rogue", follow the yellow brick road, BREAK AWAY!! Here is a motivational song. Turn your sorrows and conflicts into hope and inspiration. Click it and crank it.


by, Kelly Clarkson

Have a Fantastic Full Moon and be careful out there!!


Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

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Moon Clouds
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