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Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Welcome to your New Moon in Sagittarius. This moon reaches its 100% newness on Tuesday, December 12th, a 6:38 p.m., eastern time. I must say I am quite pleased. This is a moon to begin a hopeful, fresh, and optimistic vision for your near future. You are free to release your dreams, goals, aspirations, into a plan of action! Yes it's true. Good ole' Sagittarius finally has the open road! One word comes to mind and that is UNSTOPPABLE! Click on your song for some early inspirations.

Thanks to

7cloud Rock

Specifically, neighboring Mars (in Sagittarius, no less) and that rapscallion Mercury (aiming for prestige with Capricornian ambition) are both making quite good aspects to Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, high up in the Heavens. Let the adventure begin! On top of that, Neptune, who has much in common with Jupiter in a lot of ways, is offering some eclectic activity. The challenge is to enjoy creativity and sprituality! That is a mouthful, but as succinct as it can be. Yes, yes, there are some warning signs. However, when you shoot for the stars there will always be a bit of turbulance along the way. Neptune will lure and tempt our souls toward fantasy and escapism, but possiblities for extraordinary and creative outlets are plentiful with this New Moon. Just be careful of dangerously misleading temptations of mind and body. The sky's the limit with Sagittarius, but with fancifully laden Neptune prominent at this moon, be alert to misleading delusions.

For all the lovers out there, my advice is to stay true to your heart and soul. Enjoy the poetry of love with depth and adventure. Romance is in the air. Excitement is there for the taking. With this New Moon in Sagittarius you have passionate ardor, intrigue, allure, for the taking.

Alas, the adventurous, creative, and spiritual beauty of this moon cannot be denied! For now, we are saying adieu to the dark days of gloom and despair. Let's enjoy these moments while we can. As an extremely optimistic person myself, I always look for the good in astrology, the moon, and the universe. It's there, sometimes hiding. However, if we seek peace, joy, and light, we find we do have hope and faith for the future.

I recommend writing your goals and wishes for this moon, or any moon phase , in your diary/journal. I find that it is good to release it from the mind and record it into the spiritual and energetic realm. Pray for guidance and knowledge as you think on these things. We really are meant to be peaceful and content, as humans existing on this earth plane. I know life is so very hard, hence it's easy to give up and difficult to keep going. Let us spread the light so the light overcomes the darkness. I have found from my own personal experience the beautiful and spiritual moon is a reminder to lift our hearts and thoughts heavenward. The different phases of the moon offer highly charged points in time to spiritually and metphysically activate our hearts' desires. On my other website,, I offer free guidance and lesson plans! Simply go to my website and sign up for my newsletters/blog and you will get monthly guidance at no cost at all. I believe my mission is to help women feel confident and joyful in order to pursue their dreams, as I have.

Again I say, above all, be mindful of excess and frugal with obsessions. Seek out the needy, underprivileged, sick, and elderly. Care for the innocent souls, children, and animals. Pray for guidance and protection from above!

May you be blessed with these.

Love and Dreams,


Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.

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Here we go! Hold on tight to your lifeline....this moon will take us on a wild ride. The Full Moon in Gemini reaches its apex at 4:17 a.m. , eastern U.S. time, on Monday November 27th.

Get ready ahead of time with the adventurous Sagittarius Sun and the hyper Gemini Moon. Picture a confetti burst or a kaleidoscope. This is what you are going to get. Sagittarius is yearning to venture beyond the mundane, far and wide. Gemini is naturally a mentally and physically quicksilver zodiac sign. However, watch out for this moon because it's full tilt! Following the Scorpio eclipses and psychically submersive moons we have all endured, things are switching up real fast. We are in the fun-loving and optimistic Sagittarius Sun now. Teamed up with this Gemini Moon, we are all in for a wild and crazy ride, so fasten your seatbelts and get ready to hustle.

Right away, let's get hyped with our song!

Because this is how you are going to feel...

2 choices for listening! Click the links.

Elevate by, Big Time Rush

Now that I have your attention! Are you pumped up yet?

Where the wanderlust traveler, Sagittarius, navigates past the moon to the outer universe, and the mental GPS of Gemini meanders along the way, there will be a mixture of extraordinary energy resulting in a kaleidoscope of frenzied, hectic, and hyperactive activity. Aggressive Mars and the Sag Sun are metaphysically challenging at this time, so caution is encouraged. The ever strict disciplinarian, Saturn, will place firm boundaries on any of the potential shenanigans evident in this full moon chart. I say that's a good thing......if......we all take heed. I do love that Jupiter (ruler of Sag) can lead us to the heights of glorious fulfillment, as displayed as one of the beautiful aspects of this chart. This is where I see "elevation". It's there!

We have come up from the depths of transformation, ever dedicated to our life's quest, anticipating the journey to our bright star (Sag) and the eclectic influence (Gemini) of our own magnetic desires. Let us rise up, ever cautious, to enjoy this full moon excitement. Lest you be too entranced with illusion (Neptune and Gemini), live in the moment but be heedful with the future. The New Moon in Sagittarius (again) in December offers promise. Wonderful Sagittarius will not give up!

What about love and relationships, you ask? Magnetic, electrical, spicy are words that all come to mind. Plan a trip far and wide (carefully, that is) and explore creativity with your interactions! Try something new (with caution) and elevate your spiritual (Sag), mental (Gemini) , and carnal (Venus) aspects of your partnership!

What about money and business? Stay on the side of Saturnian caution, but take advantage of exciting multiple opportunities and ideas coming your way. Success and financial abundance will come, but how about enjoy the creative ideas that will saturate your imagination during this time (for financial flow, of course!)?

What about spirituality and creativity? Here is where the ideas flow like a kaleidoscope of beautiful expansion. Meditate and pray for divine guidance, imagine new possibilities of golden opportunities! After all, ultimately, this is what full moons are meant for. The mysterious spirituality of Heaven and Earth are full of sacred blessings, protection, and encouragement.

Lest we forget, check in on those Gemini and Sagittarian souls.

Above all, be mindful of excess and frugal with obsessions. Seek out the needy, underprivileged, sick, and elderly. Care for the innocent souls, children, and animals. Pray for guidance and protection from above!

May you be blessed with these.

Love and Dreams,


Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.

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The Magnetic New Moon in Scorpio rises to the surface of the watery depths on Monday, November 13th, at 4:26 eastern time, U.S. This mysterious event has my heart beating a little faster this day! Can it be that I see a bit of sparkle, a tiny jolt of emerging light? Why yes, yes I do.

Of course, as you have already surmised, we have gone deep into the churning, swirling, glossy and dark waters of the Scorpio Sun and Moon this past eclipse season and last couple moon cycles. We would have, could have, should have uncovered our deepest desires, our forgotten dreams, our yearning well as our hidden secrets and our tragic flaws. Yet, we rise from the deep cleansing , magnetic waters of intense Scorpio, renewed and transformed. Let us not forget, our wonderful and magnificent gifts bestowed to us at birth! Let us tread upward to the surface of these waters and breathe in the refreshing oxygen and the glow of the glistening morning sun and moon beam of twilight. We have endured. We have conquered, we have accepted. That was your mission.

Here is your song for inspiration!

I think to myself what a wonderful world!

Thank you to TheCatLadyJ for a pretty video...

Having said this, we all know how hard it has been in different ways for us all. I do realize the heartache and heartbreak, trauma, disappointment, and troubles we have all experienced. Some are unspeakable and have cut deeply and painfully. I pray that we may all seek light and comfort from the Angels and the most benevolent spiritual world. Thanks be to the Heavens there is light above the darkness as we rise to the surface from our sojourn in the deep ocean of spiritual and carnal transformation.

I must acknowledge that the Sun, Moon, Mars, and Pluto, are joining forces with spiritual and creative Neptune. I am very pleased with this! At last, and again, it is time to pursue our renewed dreams and desires. I have faith these forces are compelling and propelling us to go forth!

Alas, with a New Moon, especially this one, we may commence in the "practical magic" of manifesting our hearts' true desires. Remember, do not intrude on another's spirit and soul, as we all have our own free will. Make this about you and your journey to peace, joy, and love.

Love and Dreams,


As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips in manifesting your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information.

Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awarenesses. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

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Moon Clouds
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