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We have a very magical and spiritual Full moon in Cancer, on January 13, at 5:25 p.m. eastern time. To begin our new calendar year of 2025, the sign of Cancer is now in her home space with the Moon. Cancer is exalted in the Moon. Now that we have braved the last months of the previous year in energetic and a bit crazy moons of December, let us refocus our perspective.  However, a delightful surprise is already upon us. The North Node of the Moon has newly entered the sign of Pisces. The North Node represents our potential destiny, our future. This energy is available to all until July 2026. This energy is EXTREMELY spiritual, creative, and magical! You have the availability to tap into divine knowledge and wisdom. Divinity is within your grasp, if you so choose. Use this very sacred and holy energy of the Cancer moon and Pisces North Node to bring blessings, new beginnings, help from the universe, peace, love, creativity, and manifestations. If you have struggled or suffered in any area, now is the time to access divine intervention through prayer, meditation, moon magic. Always keep these close to your heart and mind. We have an invitation to enter new metaphysical and spiritual dimensions and to access to hidden realms like never before.

It's Magic!

Never believe it's not so

As a reminder, The sign of Cancer by itself is extremely spiritual, yet when it's the sign of a full moon it is even more powerful. Also, the Moon is very spiritual and magical to begin with. With it being at home in Cancer, we find ourselves able to ponder the process of how we can work the magic, using spirituality and divine assistance.

We must remember the challenging and pesky aspects of the full moon. After all a full moon is intense and sometimes difficult. Lest we forget to mention the Mars retrograde, and the fact that we’re trying to move forward with all the other retrograde planets now direct, I advise to stay the course and take advantage of the benevolent planetary movement.

  It’s also time to take a break! Check in on the homefront, refresh our spiritual gifts, spot check our financial, material, and physical security.  Cancer is also the sign of home, family, financial security. I know that’s a lot, especially when it seems contradictory to be concerned about material, earthly goods when we should be focusing on spirituality. However, when we can take care of ourselves and our loved ones in mind, body and soul, we can more easily focus on our spirituality and creativity.

Many people make New Year’s resolutions and set goals and are bound and determined to make this year better than ever! What a better way to do it then to get in touch with the higher realms and your higher self to manifest a new and exciting, as well as comfortable life for the future!

Do you want to know what to do to use this magical energy to help make your dreams come true?

                                                                                Follow this link


 If you have any questions, you can email me at

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips to manifest your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.

Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awareness. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

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Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Surprise! We’re closing out 2024 with a rare celestial gift: a New Moon Black Moon in Capricorn, arriving on December 30 at 5:26 PM Eastern Time.

This is  very special indeed!  Not only is it an extra opportunity to end the year well, it's also in a the very ambitious, determined sign of Capricorn. Here is a chance to reinforce our goals and ambitions for the near and far future. Most planets have caused delays, but now have gone direct from the stalled retrograde introspective positions. The exceptions are Uranus and newly retrograde Mars. However, Uranus is showing some promise with Pluto, and that's a really good thing. Surprises, spontaneity, excitement, are all possible with this set up! Mars retrograde, a rare occurrence, is behaving nicely! For now...This should give a nice impetus to rev up our plans to move forward. 

With the Moon and Sun in the area of health and wellness, this makes it a great time to focus on health, self-care, daily routine and duties.  After all, if we are nice and healthy we can work toward those Capricornian expectations, as well as perform our daily duties with gusto.  Self-care, reflection, caring for our mental health is also a priority at this time. 

Tread gently with tender relationships, as Mars activated in this area.  Pluto is firmly planted in Aquarius in the area of relationships and business, and looks nice and benevolent, for the most part.  Just be cautious in these areas.  Forewarned is forearmed.  The Moon and Sun are clinging to Saturn for surety.  That's a good thing. 

Finally, lovely Neptune is gracing humanity with creativity, spirituality, beauty, and grace.  As a matter of fact, my favorite part of this moon is with Neptune and its current friend, the North Node of the Moon. Jupiter also is touching that node with gifts and benevolence. This is quite lovely! Any frustrations and/or tension can be tamed and tempered with the beautiful aspects of these celestial bodies. Combine these with Capricornian vision and stability and you have a recipe for a beautiful Black New Moon cycle. 

Having said all that, you will LOVE this! I say we give credit to Neptune, the planet of dreams, and let Capricorn help us bring down to earth and into reality. The ending is sad, but we can overcome the sadness with the help of the benevolent cosmos and divine realms!

Take a break and listen......

Do you want to know what to do to use this magical energy to help make your dreams come true?

                                                                                Follow this link


 If you have any questions, you can email me at

Linda J. Wagner, Author

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips to manifest your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.

Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awareness. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

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Alrighty, here we go! We have a Fantastical Full Moon in Gemini, December 15, at 4:01 a.m. eastern time.

Whew!  We thought the recent New Moon was busy!  This is going to be, well, fantastical!  In the words of Peter Pan, "On to the second star to the right, and straight on till morning!" As a matter of fact I am convinced Peter Pan is a Gemini. The trickster, the artful dodger, the genius, and the twins. Many things are happening for this FINAL Full Moon of 2024.  Gemini is on the move, following the heels of Sag's last moon.  IT'S TIME! 

Mars is at the head of an open kite betwixt idealistically placed planets. It is pretty complicated, but I will tell you is it is filled with possibilities of dreams, ideas, wishes come true! It all depends on your personal moon chart. There will be surprises and the opportunities to start something NEW in an area in your life that is calling out to you. I know this sounds like a new moon, but it's time to release the frustrations, the obstacles, and the doubts.Thankfully, we have support to enjoy the journey, toward the stars with hope and inspiration. The North Node in Aries retrograde is in a fantastic placement for this full moon. We are being instructed to enjoy this time. We can end this calendar year with a true celebration. And why not? We deserve this! Have fun, enjoy the moon, celebrate, soak up the strong energy from Mars connecting to idealism, creativity, and Love, Love, Love. This Gemini moon invites you to believe in your dreams, as always, and get busy! The beautiful spiritual moon may experience some foggy confusion (Neptune's part) with this rapscallion Gemini on the loose, but let's gear up for tenacity and steadfast "faith, trust, and faerie dust".

End the calendar year with celebration and gratitude.  Gemini will be ahead of you, propelling you to keep moving.  Count your blessings, acknowledge your successes!  Remember, now the big guy, Pluto, is planning his next coming out party in Aquarius.  Anything goes.  The past has brought you to where you are now.  

Celebrate good times

As always with a full moon, be careful! The energy is intense and with this moon in Gemini, it will be hectic. Glean all the good things and power through all the challenges.

Do you want to know what to do to use this magical energy to help make your dreams come true?

                                                                                Follow this link


 If you have any questions, you can email me at

As an extra magical touch, you can subscribe to my gentle, inspirational author website, to receive free lessons, advice, and tips to manifest your long ago forgotten hopes, dreams, and wishes. Also you may subscribe to this website, to receive monthly moon newsletters and other astrological information and goodies.

Remember, even though I am experienced and have known truths in my mystical moonbeams musings and my astrological studies, I do not profess to be psychic, omniscient, nor do I "play God". I try to help people to ascend into spiritual and metaphysical awareness. Really, this blog is for entertainment purposes. Always remember to harm no one with this knowledge, and use it for yourself only. We all have free will and do not want to intrude on others' will.

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